Category: Capacity Building

  • IFSA WRITE : Linkedln

    Partners Member of IFSA LC UNHAS Backgrounds The use of social media has become an integral part of everyday life in today’s digital era. LinkedIn, as one of the most professional social media platforms, offers many benefits to its users, especially in building professional networks and enhancing career capabilities. According to data from LinkedIn itself,…

  • FOCUS Recap: a Fun Camp but We Forgot the Tent

    FOCUS Recap: a Fun Camp but We Forgot the Tent

           FOCUS is an annual event organized by the International Forestry Students’ Association Local Committee Universitas Hasanuddin where we hope to grow solidarity while trying to understand the importance of forest conservation and sustainable natural resource management. FOCUS provides a platform for members of IFSA LC UNHAS to share knowledge regarding forestry issues,…

  • FOCUS: Forest Camp; Unfolds Speculation

    FOCUS: Forest Camp; Unfolds Speculation

    Background Forest Camp: Unfolds Speculation, FOCUS in short, is an annual event organized by the International Forestry Students’ Association Local Committee Universitas Hasanuddin. This event aims to raise environmental awareness while strengthening the bond among members of IFSA LC UNHAS through camp activities. While various activities such as discussions, games and enjoying grilled meals will…

  • IFSA LC UNHAS’ Report Writing Workshop

    IFSA LC UNHAS’ Report Writing Workshop

    IFSA LC UNHAS starts August with a capacity building for Report Writing. The capacity building is held at a zoom venue on Saturday 8th, 10.30 AM – 12.00. Wening Ila Idzatilangi, as the president of IFSA LC UNHAS had the privilege of becoming the speaker of this capacity building. This event marks the first project…