FOCUS: Forest Camp; Unfolds Speculation


Forest Camp: Unfolds Speculation, FOCUS in short, is an annual event organized by the International Forestry Students’ Association Local Committee Universitas Hasanuddin. This event aims to raise environmental awareness while strengthening the bond among members of IFSA LC UNHAS through camp activities. While various activities such as discussions, games and enjoying grilled meals will be the main agenda, participants are invited to grow their solidarity while trying to understand the importance of forest conservation and sustainable natural resource management.

In addition, FOCUS provides a platform for members of IFSA LC UNHAS to share knowledge regarding forestry issues, experiences, and innovations in the field of forestry. By participating in this event, participants are expected to develop leadership skills, build internal networks, and inspire one another to actively engage in environmental conservation.


This camping aims to increase the capacity of Member IFSA LC Unhas:

  1. To strengthen the bonds each member has,
  2. To improve work ethic,
  3. To develop skills and communication, and
  4. To reduce the stress level.

Time and Place

Date         :  24-25 August 2024

Time        : 10.00 – 14.00 GMT+8

Location : Bissoloro Village, Gowa Regency


Detail Activity Clock Duration (minutes) Proposed PIC
From University to site 12.00-15.00 180 minutes Elmita
Preparation 15.00-17.00 120 minutes Arsyla
Opening  17.00-17.30 30 minutes Arsyla
Do’a Wali
Grilling 17.30-19.30 120 minutes Aqila &Arsyla
Games 19.30-2030 60 minutes Member IFSA LC UNHAS
Discuss 20.30-22.30 120 minutes Wali
Rest 22.30-05.30 360 minutes Member IFSA LC UNHAS
Outbound 05.30-07.30 120 minutes Member IFSA LC UNHAS
Breakfast  07.30-10.00 150 minutes Member IFSA LC UNHAS
Prepare 10.00-11.00 150 minutes Aqila & Arsyla
Closing  11.00-11.15 15 minutes Arsyla
Site to University 11.15-14.00 165 minutes Elmita


We are targeting at least 10 members of IFSA LC UNHAS to participate in this event.

Participation Fee

Rp. 30.000,-/member for beverages.

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