IFSA LC UNHAS starts August with a capacity building for Report Writing. The capacity building is held at a zoom venue on Saturday 8th, 10.30 AM – 12.00. Wening Ila Idzatilangi, as the president of IFSA LC UNHAS had the privilege of becoming the speaker of this capacity building. This event marks the first project done by the Capacity Building Commision led by Afifah Afra Utari, in which she put the effort to manage and execute the first ever IFSA LC UNHAS capacity building.

The Opening of the Report Writing Workshop by Afifah Afra Utari as the Master of Ceremony
The capacity building starts with Wening explaining the rules of writing a report. She explained how in report writing, one must be objective in writing their thoughts. She also went on to explain the importance of organizing your experience in Google Calendar in order to be able to write an honest report of an event. Crediting must also be emphasized, as the variable of citation and crediting people bear a significant importance. Lastly, a report must be reviewed as the last step of writing.
Wening Ila Idzatilangi as the speaker of Report Writing Workshop
In her second slide, Wening went on to explain the fundamentals of report writing such as what the first paragraph should have, what is the content or the main idea of the report, and how to summarize the report. She continued her explanation by looking over some report writing examples that were published in IFSA.net, some was her own writing. The examples perfectly encapsulates the ideas of what Wening explained before, in which members can easily identify how the rules of writing a report is implemented, and how the fundamentals of report writing is done in practice. The presentation ends after showing the examples and continues with a Question and Answer session that was lively. At the end, everyone smiles for the photo.
This capacity building is necessary for IFSA LC UNHAS as it is the obligation for members to have the knowledge of report writing in case they are chosen as delegates to represent IFSA LC UNHAS. Members are expected to write a report so they can share their experiences to the world, ultimately contributing to the sharing of information to everyone.
Written by: Esya Ariel Asyam Umarah
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