VOLUME PROJECT #1: A Scientific Roundtable Discussion

With the Volunteer Open Meadow (VOLUME) in mind, one of the requirements to pass the probation phase is to hold their very own VOLUME Project. This phase must be passed before joining IFSA LC UNHAS and having an official or commissioner position. Volunteers will work on several projects and are divided into 3 teams. The first team created a scientific roundtable discussion project themed “The Science Behind Forest Management”.

Project Preparation

Some of the volunteers admitted that this was their first project to organize a scientific roundtable discussion. The volunteers started by discussing with the staff about what to do, such as finding speakers, determining roles, dividing tasks, organizing the event rundown, and so on. Although they were divided into several roles/tasks, the volunteers admitted that they complemented each other even though they were not in charge of those tasks. This made the volunteers feel comfortable when working on the project, especially when they were assisted and supported by the staff.

The Scientific Roundtable Discussion

This scientific roundtable discussion started at 12 noon UTC+0. It began with an opening by the moderator, welcoming remarks, and continued with presentations and discussions from three incredible speakers:

  • Arida Fauziyah, a conservation lecturer at Hasanuddin University
  • Ali Baulee, a research lead of Mazand Nahal, Iran
  • Lely Puspitasari, ELTI Indonesia Coordinator at Blue Forests

The Three Speakers of The Roundtable Discussion

Aquaculture of Mangroves

In the first presentation by Mrs. Arida, the topic discussed was the aquaculture of mangroves. She explained how people can take advantage of the role and opportunities of aquaculture. Additionally, she highlighted science-based approaches that ensure sustainable forest ecosystems, with mangrove forests as an example. Mrs. Arida also explained how to manage mangrove forests sustainably to optimize the benefits obtained, such as crabs, fish, shrimp, and other sources of community livelihood.

Mrs. Arida presenting her material on how Mangroves affected people’s livelihood

Through the understanding conveyed by Mrs. Arida, we can better comprehend the perspective of forest management, especially from the point of view of aquatic ecosystems. This topic is also important because it is a valuable asset for the Indonesian state, as Indonesia is one of the countries with great opportunities regarding mangrove forest management.

Soil Science in Forest Management

The next presentation was by Mr. Ali Baulee. He explained the importance of soil science in forest management. He emphasized the vital role of soil science as the foundation for healthy forests and as a guide towards more sustainable and resilient ecosystems. Ali also discussed science-based approaches such as digital soil mapping for responsible forest management. He explained how this approach improves our understanding of forests and optimizes resources to balance ecological, economic, and social objectives.

Mr. Ali presenting his material on the effect of plant communities and altitude variation on Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Stock

Through this understanding, we can navigate the landscape of opportunities in the second-largest place of life on earth and ensure that our forests can thrive for generations to come.

Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)

Last but not least, speaker Lely Puspita discussed how forest management is connected to scientific evidence and uses a lot of scientific research and methods, particularly in Forest Stewardship Council (FSC).

Mrs. Lely presenting her material on the Principles of FSC

Lely emphasized that FSC is one of the pioneers of sustainable forest certification, developed in 1994, and has been growing especially in Asia and has a significant presence in Europe, the US, and Canada. FSC not only focuses on the ecology of the forest but also gives great attention to the social aspect, including indigenous people and local communities.


This scientific roundtable discussion provided opportunities for participants to ask questions during the Q&A session and for new volunteers to train their event coordinating and leadership skills. Additionally, participants received e-certificates

Photo Session at the End of the Event

Authors: Raqiah Aqilah, Shahzada Surya, Muhammad Khaykal

Editor: Esya Ariel Asyam Umarah


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