Gen Z Core: Empowering a Sustainable Future to Fight Climate Change


IFSA Goes to Teaching 4.0 Tahun 2025

Number        : 01/CN/A/IGTT/IFSA LC UNHAS/I/2025

Subject        : Concept note

Concept Note of IFSA Goes to Teaching 4.0

“Gen Z Core: Empowering a Sustainable Future to Fight Climate Change

By IGTT’s Organizer Committee


Teaching is learning, educating is learning.  Inequality in education is still a reality in Indonesia. We share the view that teaching is helping someone discover the secrets of this world, helping them see and realise what is happening around us. Then with it, our eyes will clearly see change after change on this blue planet. How it transitions from cool to very hot, from orderly to messy and dangerous, and from one challenge to another. Simply put, climate change leads us to understand the environment and people

Departing from a deep concern for environmental issues, we from the International Forestry Student Association (IFSA) LC Hasanuddin University through routine IFSA Goes To Teaching (IGTt) 4.0 activities will try to invite the younger generation to examine environmental conditions and how they affect every aspect of life. In line with the global agenda that demands sustainability, the Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs, especially in goals 13: Climate Action goals 15: Life on Land and goals 4: Quality of Education that become our target to initiate climate and environmental education programs, especially among the younger generation who are often less involved in global issues.

The IGTT program is a routine IFSA agenda designed to meet the needs of contextual learning that educates students through field facts found and provokes student sensitivity to local and environmental issues. Previously, in 2023, we conducted this program at SD Trans Parangpungallu with a focus on raising awareness and understanding of the younger generation about environmental issues, especially those related to forestry, flora, fauna, and nature conservation. So in its implementation we collaborated with the Komunitas Pencinta Hewan Maros (KPHM) to introduce animals directly to students.

This year we are back with the same vision in education, youth and environment. Bringing the theme of youth and climate change, we hope that the concern and enthusiasm of the younger generation can be manifested in concrete actions that have an impact on the future of our earth.


Climate change is a pressing global issue affecting various sectors, including forestry and agriculture, especially in South Sulawesi. In 2019, Walhi South Sulawesi reported 152 ha of forest and land fires across three districts, causing severe damage and displacement. Additionally, rising temperatures have led to significant crop failures, with thousands of hectares affected in Jeneponto, Bulukumba, and Maros.

Recognizing these challenges, it is crucial to raise awareness among youth, particularly high school students aged 17-19, about sustainability and climate action. As future policymakers, Gen Z has a vital role in protecting forests, preventing environmental degradation, and ensuring the sustainability of natural resources. Through this theme, we call on young people to take real action for a greener future.


  • Inviting students to contribute to the environment
  • Raising the awareness of SMK Kehutanan students towards the environment
  • Educate students to understand the issue of climate change and its mitigation

Expected Outcomes 

  • Participants had a better understanding of climate change issues as a global challenge and the importance of collective efforts for mitigation and adaptation.
  • Participants understand the relevance of the forestry skills they learnt at school to real issues in the field, and are motivated to apply this knowledge.
  • Participant are able to build critical ideas and present the results of their discussion through Focus Group Discussion (FGD) sessions

Time and Place

Date                : 06 March 2025

Time                : 08.00 – 13.00 WITA

Location                : SMK Kehutanan Makassar Hall room





Time (GMT + 8)


Registration and Opening


08.00 – 08.30


Organiser Report

Ketua Panitia

08.30 – 08.35


Speech by IFSA’s President

Diah Muflihah

08.35 – 08.40


Speech by Principal

Muh. Ilyas, S.Hut, M.P

08.40 – 08.45


Short Video: Climate Change Introduction


08.45 – 09.00


Presentation 1

Arida Fauziyah., S.Si., M.Sc (topic: Forest Correlation With Climate Change)

09.00 – 09.30


Presentation 2


(topic: Youth perspectives on responding to environmental degradation and climate change adaptation)

09.30 – 10.00


Presentation 3

Balai Pengendalian Perubahan Iklim dan Kebakaran Hutan dan Lahan Wilayah Sulawesi (BPPIKHL Wil. Sulawesi)

(topic: Climate Change in Sulawesi )

10.00 – 10.30




10.30 – 11.00




11.00 – 11.30




11.30 – 12.45


Documentation & Closing


12.45 – 13.00

MC, Speakers and Discussion Topics 

Master of Ceremony 

  • Afifah Afra

Moderator (FGD)

  • Moderator FGD           : Indri
  • PIC Group         :  Ila, Arsyla, Rizqul, Shadan, Nailah, Ilmi, Vira, Arya

Speaker I

  • Member IFSA LC UNHAS

Topic Details: Youth perspectives on responding to environmental degradation and climate change adaptation

Speaker II

  • Arida Fauziyah, S.Si., M.Sc

Arida Fauziyah is a lecturer at Universitas Hasanuddin, Indonesia, specializing in forest conservation. She is also a doctoral student at ITB (Bandung Institute of Technology) who is conducting research on the development of sustainable mud crab Scylla sp. aquasilviculture model in Indonesian mangroves. Prior to her current position, Arida Fauziyah gained valuable research experience through an internship at the Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT) in Germany. She is also a researcher with expertise in marine conservation and management. She has a strong commitment to excellence in teaching and research, and brings a wealth of experience to any organization.

Topic Details: Forest Correlation with Climate Change

Speaker III

  • Balai Pengendalian Perubahan Iklim dan Kebakaran Hutan dan Lahan Wilayah Sulawesi (BPPIKHL Wil. Sulawesi)

Topic Details:

The speaker will discuss how deforestation, forest fires, and land conversion in the Sulawesi region are causing greater carbon release into the atmosphere and their impact on increasing global temperatures and changing weather patterns. This will be followed by global policy measures on climate change in the Sulawesi region.

Discussion Topics





  1. The impact of palm oil on Indonesia’s economy

Ila and Arsyla


Littering pollutes rivers and the environment

Rizqul and Shadan


  1. Deforestation to clear land for mining

Nailah and Ilmi


Forest and land fires

Vira and Arya


Reducing carbon footprint through lifestyle changes

Vivi and Mahesa

Partners Plan 

  • Faculty of Forestry, Universitas Hasanuddin
  • SMK Kehutanan
  • Balai Pengendalian Perubahan Iklim dan Kebakaran Hutan dan Lahan Wilayah Sulawesi (BPPIKHL)

Target Audience

  • Student of SMK Kehutanan (around 100 participant)


The IGTT programme is expected to provide SMK Kehutanan students with a deeper understanding of the importance of their role in dealing with climate change, as well as strengthening awareness of the contributions that can be made through forestry competencies. Through collaboration, it is hoped that students will be better prepared to face global challenges with relevant knowledge and impactful actions.


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