[VOLUME #5 Press Release] Welcoming Call
This batch 5 of VOLUME carries up the theme Green Leaf: Autumn and Regeneration as the part of our initiative to maintain the continuity of IFSA LC UNHAS as the organization that focuses on forestry issues and its members’ quality as the future human resources. Held in GA-101 of Forestry Faculty, Universitas Hasanuddin, the welcoming call attended by 40 initial volunteers and members of IFSA LC UNHAS. The meeting started at 1:00 PM and ended around 2:00 PM.
Picture of Shahzada Surya Ramadan as the Master of Ceremony by Nini Fitriani
The welcoming call was opened by Shahzada Surya Ramadan, the head of Partnership and Sponsorship Sub-Commission, who stood in front of everyone as the Master of Ceremony. The agenda was then filled by an opening speech by the Vice President, Afifah Afra Utari. She sent her regards to everyone so that they could follow all the steps and pass the phase of recruitment. Afifah wishes to meet all of the participants at the end of the VOLUME when they become a part of IFSA LC UNHAS.
Picture of Afifah Afra Utari, the Vice President of IFSA LC UNHAS by Nini Fitriani
The stage, then, was given to the Head of VOLUME Organizing Committee to introduce what is IFSA LC UNHAS. Hafidz elaborates what kind of activities that IFSA across the world do as IFSA family and specifically what does IFSA LC UNHAS do. He also gave a short introduction of the structures of IFSA LC UNHAS including its departments and sub-commissions.
One of the participants, Verdhi Arwinanda, asked how is the placement work in each Sub-Commission? Are the participants going to pick it on their own or the other way around? Hafidz stated, that each participant is going to fill in a form to show their interest. He continues on explaining about each department and what is the scope of each Sub-Commissions.
He later explained the background of choosing this batch theme “Green Leaf: Autumn and Regeneration” and the timeline of the recruitment phase which includes a volunteer period that starts from 16 September to 15 November 2024. It consists of two phases where the first one is the educational phase that will last for 45 days where they learn how the organization works under each SC and work collaboratively and the implementation of it where the volunteers work on their own project guided by the councilors.
The welcoming call continues with the explanation about the Code of Conduct that IFSA LC UNHAS have both during the VOLUME #5 and on the internal of IFSA LC UNHAS if they are accepted by LC as a part of them.
Picture of Muhammad Dien Usman explaining the Code of Conduct by Nini Fitriani
Muhammad Dien Usman, current board Secretary and also part of the VOLUME OC, explains what the CoC covers. The Code of Conduct ensures that the basic rights of everyone in IFSA LC UNHAS is protected and that everyone has the same standing point regardless. Dien closed his statement by saying: “If any form of harassment or violation happened, please don’t hesitate to ask the president or the vice president (or anyone that you trusted) help and the case will be prosecuted accordingly.” Dien went back to his seat while everyone gave a round applause.
Going on to the interactive part of presentation, the QnA session are opened. “What does the Exchange Sub-Commission work on?” Jabir asked while asking the presenter to go back to the organization structure slide. The question asked by Verdhi also aligned with the one stated by Jabir. Verdhi asked, “Do joining the Exchange SC will also have the chance of having the opportunity of being the delegations?”
Dien, speaking as the delegation that was sent to Nepal for APRM 2024, said, “Exchange SC basically working on everything related to international affairs of IFSA LC. Starting from their preparation, their sponsor, and their departure.” Agung Dewa Putra added that all active members of IFSA LC UNHAS have the same opportunity to be sent as delegates and that is regulated in Code of Conduct.
Syahbina Nur Az Zahra then asked regarding what is the best program that IFSA LC UNHAS have and what is the purpose of that program. Which to that Hafidz explained, “We don’t have such a term where we say this is the biggest one and the other ones are small since every project will be having most of the sub-commissions collaborated. But if we are talking about programs that includes everyone, we conducted several programs such as VOLUME (now in batch #5), IFSA Goes to Teaching has been successfully done three times, and several delegations were sent across the world; APRM Philippines and Nepal, and IFSS in German.” In fact, IFSA LC UNHAS also became the host for Interim 2023 where delegations are coming from other continents.
Picture of La Ode Muh. Arya Zaltian Pratama, the participants of VOLUME #5, during the QnA session by Nini Fitriani
We also received some questions asking about the partners we have been working on this far, how the programs of IFSA LC UNHAS could help members on building their capacities, and the other question regarding the internal matters of this baby-aged organization that only runs around three years.
The participants were so awkward at the first since it was their first time facing the whole active member of IFSA LC UNHAS, but in the end the atmosphere melted as every member introduced themselves and then gave the stage to the volunteer to do the same. The welcoming call then closed with picture time! Here is a nice pic and last bit of the welcoming call:
Picture of Volunteers and active members of IFSA LC UNHAS by Agung Dewa Putra
Written by: Elmita Ayusyifa
Documentation by: Nini Fitriani and Agung Dewa Putra
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